Read the 53 page contract. It requires that you give full legal custody of your child while your child is in this treatment facility. Giving full legal custody is not a regular accepted practice in other facilities of this type. This custody includes but ISNOT limited to emergency treatment and extends to 3rd parties to whom the contract is given. Contract also requires 45 day minimum treatment whether insurance pays or not and they do not state potential costs. No matter what you are told verbally, don’t forget that you will be held to what you agree to in writing. We were told that SKYPING or participating long-distance in parent involved sessions was not acceptable. We live over 122 miles away. Yet their video on the commerce site boasts that they have an 80 inch television so that parents can participate long-distance. There is much more but I can sum it up by saying there are contractions between what they advertise, what they have in their contract, what they tell you verbally and what they implement. I only wonder if the agencies that have provided them with accreditation were provided with the same contract and information that they give to the general public. This program was not for us.