As a person who has weak teeth and needs to visit a dentist often, I have had more than my fair share of dental work done. Probably not a tooth in my mouth doesn’t have some filling or crow, so I know my dentists. Dr Steiner is probably my favorite dentist I’ve ever had in my life. He’s an older guy in an older part of town, so appearances are so-so, but he really knows his stuff. Dr Steiner has gone out of his way to do emergency work on Sunday when my wife was in pain, he is a geniunely caring dentist, he keeps up with his research and doesn’t stagnate. He’s also got an awesome sense of humor and postive and happy outlook on life that makes him very likeable. To date, I haven’t had any problems with any teeth he has worked on. He has saved at least a couple of teeth that I didn’t think there was enough to save and he has an attention to detail that is above and beyond most dentists. One particularly difficult tooth I remember him redoing the mold 3 times because he wasn’t satisfied with the impression. I can reccomend him without hesitation. I drive over 20 minutes to the dentist even though there is a good one almost across the street from me because of the quality of his service and his personality.