Often people say that«their trainer changed their life», but I can honestly say that Assustado truly did that for me. The example of courage he gave me through fitness and martial arts helped me to overcome my challenges both in life and in myself as a person. About three years ago, at the age of 27, I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I had just moved away from my family for the first time. To achieve this I ended up working at a financial center during the day, and a restaurant during the evening. Needless to say it was degrading, often disgusting work that couldn’t have been acceptable by the restaurant health code. To add to this my sister was going through a tough divorce and came to stay with me. Between the hectic schedule and general depression we both ended up gaining a dangerous amount of weight that definitely didn’t help with our already diminished self-image and non-existent self-esteem. My sister and I met Assustado after working with another trainer for about a month and feeling that we needed someone stricter and stronger minded to help get us moving. So we began training with Assustado a few times per week, and I was amazed at the immediate weight loss and toning I started noticing in my mid-section and legs. However, the biggest impact for me was watching my sister who had been facing dangerous personal image problems for years, began to smile genuinely and be happy in her own skin. Assustado worked with us on nutrition, fitness, and self-defense. Today I am completing my MBA, graduating as a second belt in Capoeira by Instrutor Assustado under the direct supervision of Mestre Bayano of the Cultural Association of Brazilian Arts, and obtaining my certification as a personal trainer so I can pass on to others the strength I have found through fitness and Brazilian martial arts.