I cannot claim my corner store to be anything unique, but I do like it, or rather I like the quietly efficient guys who run it. Like almost all London corner stores they sells booze, both spectacularly cheap(think Lambrini) or named high street brands like Smirnoff(I spit you out). Then you have the obligatory array of confectionary, tin food, and all other essentials to make a processed and preservative packed meal. There is a small selection of fruit, vegetables and dairy items that are useful if you forget something at the supermarket. In truth for me they work as a back up for items I need instantly for a meal. As I would recommend in any grocery store, check the best before dates on items you purchase. For a planned shop no convenience store can match the range and price of a supermarket, hence the monopoly of our time and money the likes of ASDA and Sainsbury’s have. What endears me to my local corner store though is the time and patience it took my partner and I to build a welcoming relationship with the owners. Now the genuine pleasantries exchanged and the feeling of community means more than purchasing a slightly cheaper tin of beans from a globalised supermarket.