Factory Outlet doesn’t really seem like a factory outlet. Let me explain. I would think a factory outlet would be really, really cheap and the clothes would be in dry cleaners type bags. Factory Outlet North Finchley is nothing like that. There are some good deals to be had, even a rack starting at just 5 pounds. I’ll admit the clothes in this shop are taste-full and beautiful. There is a particularly nice brown ruffle dress in a silky material for 22 pounds and some lovely knits that wrap around your body. The staff here is friendly enough and not up your arse, in a way that is common in a small store. I like to come in here and have a poke around. I will note this store only sells clothing so no handbags or shoes on offer.
Tu valoración: 3 London, United Kingdom
Everything to do with clothes today screams ‘it has to be trendy and look nice too’. There is a whole lot of effort to be put in when looking for ideas for defining clear fashion statements — not disasters. With huge discounts and numerous clothing ideas, then why not check this shop out and don’t be left back.