Upon learning that I may need an implant on my front tooth, #8, I was most definitely in denial and was never going to let that happen. Well, a year later, and approx. 8 Dr. referrals too, I finally was convinced that it needed to be extracted, and an implant placed. I was in shock for I guess entire year, but I am so thankful that I finally chose Dr. Gaminchi for my Doctor! She & her office have been so wonderful and good to me since beginning the process 3 weeks ago. From the moment I walked in for a 7th opinion, they made me feel very comfortable and welcomed. Dr. Gaminchi did the bone grafting 2 weeks ago, and it is really doing great! The temporary tooth looks really amazing, as I’ve seen quite a few since having 2 front crowns since 1994, excellent. If you need this type of work done, this is your dentist office, they are amazing! Thank you to my Dr. & all at the office! You rock :)