This is a coming-out moment for me. You see, I am what I’d like to call«half-classy». I carry a really nice bag, but my shirt is probably from Old Navy. I have a thousand dollar camera, but I can’t bring myself to spend $ 7.00 on a cheese grater at Target. So that’s where Dollar Tree comes in. Yes, this place is a little skeezy. Most good things are. Yes, 87% of the things in the store are junk. No matter. Yes, there might be two-year-old children smoking cigarettes and chaperoning their own young siblings. Turn away. If you need basic things for the kitchen(like a cheese grater), or can opener, or… napkin rings, come to Dollar Tree. I am always surprised with what I find here. There are decent glasses and big fat beer mugs. Christmas decorations, spices, random name brand products, who knows. Windex. Yes. Reindeer Moss. Candle holders. I can’t explain this to you. It’s worth the adventure to find the deals.