1 opinión sobre Women’s Healthcare Associates-Tabor
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Caitlin n.
Tu valoración: 2 Portland, OR
I am a first time pregnant lady and I was a patient of Gregory Eilers. I sought out this clinic because of a recommendation from a friend of a friend and I was in a rush(unplanned much?). I was expecting my first visit to be a warm, inviting experience where my OB would seem super concerned and have lots of advice for me… Unfortunately the vibe of this office is like a routine dentist visit. The Dr. Comes into each visit with a laptop, asks his mandatory 4 questions that require a check mark on his laptop, then he says goodbye. When I did have a question I was made to feel like it was a stupid question. Not only that but his answers were confusing as heck. I’m sure not all male OB are this way, but perhaps this is a job best left to women who have had children already. Half of the pregnant woman’s concerns are regarding things we feel– physically and emotionally, and things we anticipate– breast feeding, baby kicking… Things may be better left to women? We’ll now I am a patient of Bridgeview which is run by all women and I definitely don’t feel stupid there. They actually encourage me to bring questions and a notepad and offer up tips and ideas without me having to ask. Also, providence has a very high c section rate, especially Dr. eilers and this was something i wanted to avoid. Hope that helps!