The best winery in Newberg and surrounding area, Trisaetum offers innovation and creativity to both their white and red wines. No other winery in the region was able to offer spectacular results for both classes of wine. The tasting room was beautiful with great views and amazing art by the winery owner. I had no idea that the wine maker/owner was also an accomplished artist with work sold and displayed throughout the world. His paintings and photography fill the 1,500 square foot Trisaetum Gallery. The tasting room staff was exceptional. Very smart and willing to answer any and all of my questions. I learned a lot more about the nuances of wine making, including the role of «oak toasting» and its implications on the ultimate product. I would highly recommend their various pinot noirs, chardonnays and their interesting pinot blanc(it tasting like champagne!). Good luck on your wine tasting adventure!