Dr. Gerding has been my dentist since I was ten. He’s also my parents, my brother, my aunt, uncle and cousins dentist. He is the best. I can’t imagine going to anyone else. He’s clearly experienced, and kind. My favorite thing about him though is that he always remembers his patients. I can’t imagine how many people this guy sees(since most people only go to the dentist every 6 months) but seriously, he always remembers what I’m doing, where I’m living, where I’m at in school, etc. He’s so personable, and it’s comforting in the same way as it is to have a personable doctor. I’ve never had any problems with anything here. My biggest complaint would MAYBE be that getting an appointment is tough. But, I think that is anywhere, and it says something about him that he’s so busy. Apparently I’m not the only one who likes him in charge of my teeth! :)