I just went in for a pick up at 2:36 pm on a Wed(day off) and a client who had a sailors canvas bag filled with shirts was getting checked in and the clerk was literally turning the shirt sleeves right side out, after over 20 shirts, I asked if I could just pick up so she could take her time going thru such a large pile and continue her chat with the customer. Well, to my surprise the clerk(she) looked at me as if I was being rude to request to get checked out because I was just a pick up… her explanation to me was that there was only 1 computer to check in & check out. This I understand, what I don’t understand was if she was talking up a storm, fixing the shirts in reverse and still sorting, why couldn’t she just check me out which is a minimum of 3 mins. Mr.Alex, your prices are not that low that customers can’t get even at least a hello or thank you or «could you please give me a few moments and I’ll be right with you» acknowledgement, but rather you are not even looked at, wait and then when you muster up the courage to request a logical option, your given this B*lls*it story as an excuse. Shame on your clerk…