Today I broke up with Interlync after almost 10 years of service, which I endured because I didn’t want to call upon the devil, the dreaded C(omcast). But you know what? $ 100 a month for 5.81 download, 0.64 upload is INSANE. I called and called and called, and Interlync always said the same: «It’s you, not us; it’s bad on your end, fine on our end.» Guess what? My end is what counts. I’m the customer. I need to use my internet instead of turning on my phone and using LTE(which was much faster). So I found another provider. It was the C word, I admit. I sold myself to the devil. But its half the price it’s now great on my end with 90 download, 12 upload. And I’m breaking up with Interlync. Interlync, it’s you, not me. Goodbye! I will expect no further bill from your and your pathetic service.