When i realized i would be at Tower City, i knew i had to visit this store. I read about a cd called Cleveland Memory Grenade that is only available here. It has tons of old local commercials and local tv segments. It was only 12 bones, totally mine! But wait, here on the track listing it says«Garfield 1−2−3−2−3 remake». REMAKE!!! Uh, uh. I want the original. Plus i already had some of the other stuff on the disc. And it has Superhost on it. Dude used to scare me as a child. But maybe someone can get it for me on my b-day??? The rest of the store is a one stop shop for souvenirs, framed architectural photography, Browns and Buckeyes swag, etc. Other stores like Big Fun or the Rock Hall store have better selections in their respective genres, but not under one roof. This place is like a Cleveland paraphernalia sampler. We bought my sister-in-law some Brownie earrings for 9 bucks, because she lives in B’More now and wants to represent. And the name says it all-«Only Cleveland». Not like the Browns store that used to be at Tower City and sold STEELERS crap! Unique stores tend not to last long in Tower City, so i hope this place makes it.