Mojo Working Monday is a dance party with live music that happens inside the On the Rocks Coctails in Chula Vista. Web site is The live music is provided by Mojo Working band. The dance is preceded by a lesson geared for beginners. Pros: literally free live music, due to a very small group attending the lesson it feels like a private one(and it is free!); quick progress is possible. Free and ample parking is available next to the bar. Cons: very few dancers(10 – 12 on the night I have visited), small floor that is barely enough even for this group, Mojo’s preference for high-tempo rock-n-roll that seriously limits the dancers. Overall: if you live on the south side of San Diego, definitely worth a try. If you want to dance swing in San Diego on Mondays, this is the only regular venue. Dress lightly, as the ventilation is weak.