Our last stop in the quest for Miss C.‘s work wardrobe. She found a black pant that was perfect, and it was 40% off. I can’t remember if she liked the boot cut or the straight leg. Whichever it was, they didn’t have it in her size. So, Miss C. went to the checkout counter and asked for assistance in finding the size she needed or calling another store to see if they had the desired pant in stock. What a fiasco. First, the Galleria store clerk hung up on the Chesterfield store clerk after a 10-minute hold. When she called back, they couldn’t understand the desired pant, and there was much discussion of whether it was a boot cut or a straight leg. There was a tag on the pant. For Golly Ned sake, read the stock number! Then Miss C. was highly encouraged to hustle down to The Galleria to get the pant on 40% off, as it was unclear how long the sale would last. NOBODY in this store could tell us for how long the sale was on. We weren’t hoofin’ it down to The Galleria for a pant«we weren’t sure» was the correct pant in the correct size for a sale that it was unknown how long it would last. Absolutely ridiculous. We spent(wasted) so much time conducting this non-transaction. I will have to say that the quality of the merchandise offered in this store far surpassed the other stores we visited on this quest.