I use to come here when I was in middle school, soon after I began High School i stopped because I grew to realize how lazy this place actual was. Today I went in for a regular manicure only because I didn’t want to pay $ 5 bucks and waste time going all the way to parkchester where i usually go for a manicure/pedicure. Needless to say I was DESPERATE! Let me just start by saying yes this place is very inexpensive but with that being said you actually pay for what you get here, a cheap looking $ 6 mani. By all means, since this is the ONLY nail salon in the area, I would get a manicure here if you *absolutely* had to. I mean, it beats painting your own damn nails.(almost) But if you could, i would suggestion that you fix up your own cuticles and file your own nails and just ask for a «color change» and BRINGYOUROWNPOLISH;, base, color and top coat! This nail salons equivalent to a «manicure» is what most other nail salons consider to be just a «color change.» She only used a file and a cuticle cutter. no orange stick, oil, nothing more. Kathy only put lotion on the tops of my hands and left my fingers bare, they were so dry by the time i left there, actually I think i spent more time under the dryer than actually in the chair. *** They DONOTSANITIZE their tools. I repeat, THEYDONOTSANITIZETHEIRTOOLS! *** so be aware of this. The bronx haS a high rate of HIV/AIDS Positive people– PLEASEKEEPTHISINTHEBACKOFYOURMIND– WHENEVERYOUGOANYWHERETOGET A MANICURE/PEDICURE, especially in THEBOOGIEDOWNBX! As i type this i look at my nails and i see bubbles… oh the dreaded bubbles. I think it was because of her nasty, thick clear top coat that she used. I would NOT suggest getting a PEDICURE here. Just ew. Don’t do it. Kathy actually ALMOST convinced me to do a Gel Manicure(which i usually do) but because I knew to not trust the quality of their skills I didn’t do it. They have been in business for a very long time, probably because no other salon has attempted to open one in the area. SOMEONESHOULD! Anyway, that my piece, good luck.